Guyana RainBow Foundation (GuyBow)


Guyana Rainbow Foundation (GuyBow) is the premiere LBQ women’s organization in Guyana, representing the interest of lesbian, bisexual and queer women, through services, capacity building and an exclusive safe space. Conceptualized in 1999, GuyBow with an informal gathering of persons who shared similar interests of advancing the cause of all LGBTQ persons in Guyana, was formalized in December 2000. Then In June, 2012, through a network of LBQ women, the organization restructured to focus on empowering women by providing activities, programs and services designed for enhancing and sustaining their general wellbeing. GuyBow is currently a network of local LBQ women across the ten administrative regions of Guyana dedicated to achieving equal rights for lesbian, bisexual and queer women and their liberation from all forms of discrimination. GuyBow is committed to working with all local, national and international agencies to strengthen the human rights advocacy and to secure equal opportunities for all LBQ Guyanese while advocating on behalf of people who experience discrimination or abuse on the basis of their actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. Specifically, GuyBow provides avenues for its constituencies to increase their means of sustainability and improve their prospects of employability. This is achieved through engaging in skills building programs and diversity education initiatives with the private sector and their employees with the aim of creating a more LGBTQ+ inclusive work environment.


  • SOGI Education & Advocacy
  • Community Outreach
  • LBQ women health care
  • Avail safe spaces for the gathering of LBQ women
  • Document human rights violations
  • Promote happy and secure LBQW-Tm families
  • Socioeconomic Empowerment
  • Support LBQ women in crisis situations
  • Mental health & Wellness support
  • Referrals to services
  • Research
  • Co-host Annual PRIDE Festival - Guyana
  • Social Enterprise for Sustainability
  • Public Education Campaign

Community Impact

  • Empowerment Sessions
  • Community Outreach Advocacy
  • Socio Economic Loan Beneficiaries
  • Covid-19 Response
  • Direct & Indirect Persons Reached
  • Research Completed


To transform Guyanese society to where LBQ women will have equal access to all opportunities and services, be able to reach their full potential, realize their dreams, and live free from fear, censure and violence while nurturing a culture of stronger and healthier individuals who are able to positively participate in their communities and the wider society.


To support and strengthen the capacity of individual LBQ Women, along with increasing the overall respect, acceptance of, and support for non-gender conforming individuals and non-heteronormative sexual orientations in Guyanese society.


  • To challenge the patriarchy and change traditional gender norms of Guyanese society
  • To establish institutions and effect policies to serve and respond to the needs of LBQ women
  • To provide a platform where LBQ women will be nurtured and involved in key leadership and decision-making positions in all spheres of Guyanese society
  • To foster a community of confident, knowledgeable, healthy and successful LBQ women who are productive members of Guyanese society
  • To increase public awareness and acceptance of LBQ women
  • To strengthen the physical and mental capacities of LBQ women to better cope with the challenges they regularly face
  • To provide avenues for Leadership training and advocacy skills development and youth engagement
  • To increase the functioning and cohesiveness of the larger LGBT community
  • To encourage positive participation of LBQ women in Guyanese society overall


WhatsApp: 592-650-7830 | Landline: 592-227-7830 | Cell: 592-691-5279 | Facebook: GuyBow Lbqw | Email: