Humanitarian Mission – Guyana Inc.


Humanitarian Mission Guyana Inc. is an NGO committed to improving the quality of life for the people of Guyana. Founded in 2005, the organization focuses on a range of humanitarian efforts, including health care, education, and community development. Driven by a mission to uplift and empower the most vulnerable populations, Humanitarian Mission Guyana Inc. collaborates with local communities, government agencies, and international partners to implement sustainable solutions that address pressing social issues, academic excellence and personal growth.


Providing entrepreneurial skills to break the cycle of poverty, promote economic self-sufficiency and inspire hope. Humanitarian Mission Guyana Inc. is committed to making a positive impact, uplift communities and create a brighter future for all. Recognizing the transformative power of education, the organization implemented comprehensive training programs aimed at increasing educational opportunities and entrepreneurial skills for Guyanese. Our training programs are designed to equip individuals with the skills needed for better employment prospects. The organization is committed to fostering sustainable community development and economic empowerment programs that encourage entrepreneurship and self-reliance through educational initiatives, specialized training programs and community engagement.

Reach: Region 5 & 6

Email:, Telephone: +1 973-868-6163