From March 12-18th 2023, students of The George Washington University with guidance from the NCC’s team conducted Gender Based Violence research to bridge the gap for community enhancement with the Venezuelan migrants in regions 2,5 &6 in Guyana.
The aim was to explore Guyana’s social, political, and cultural norms that contribute to and perpetrate ongoing violence against Venezuelan women. The policy research focused on providing NCC Guyana with a macro-level analysis of the enabling GBV factors in Guyana that increase risk and perpetuate violence against Venezuelan migrant women, preventing them from receiving the critical services and support they need and inhibiting them from fully assimilating into a new life in Guyana. Our macro-level analysis and associated research will help NCC Guyana, and other affiliated NGOs, to create more holistic programming and advocacy efforts. In addition, our research will help the Guyanese government improve its efforts to prevent and respond to GBV.
The methodology included
1) Analyzing secondary sources and data to get a clear idea of the social, political, and cultural norms in Guyanese society and how those norms can possibly affect migrants and their ability to assimilate.
2) Assessing whether Guyana has ratified and is implementing any international conventions or standards, such as CEDAW, National Action Plans, UNSCR 1325, among others.
3) Reviewing the local laws, customs, and constitutions to evaluate if they discriminate against women or migrants in any way.
4) Reviewing NCC Guyana reports and other sources to understand the treatment of Venezuelan female migrants in the local context, especially GBV challenges.
5) Reviewing NCC Guyana reports and other sources to gain a micro understanding of what is currently being done to address vulnerabilities.
6) Conducting focus groups with Venezuelan women in Guyana.
7) Conducting interviews with various stakeholders.
The team will compile their research and present it to the NCC upon completion which will aid in the continued work of the coalition.